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The MoVIe Method for Managing Sales Opportunities

System Selling’s MoVIe method provides a proven framework for winning critical deals. The acronym “MoVIe” stands for the three factors around which the method revolves: Motivation, Value, and Influence.

The approach is simple enough that sellers can begin to use it with no training at all. Yet the logic and framework can easily scale for use with most complex deals. MoVIe features a question-driven, natural language opportunity plan template. This allows you to minimize your investment in learning specialized terminology. The result is quicker, broader adoption of the method.

Three Win Factors

Most experienced sales professionals can readily cite the names of multiple opportunity management methods they have used.

Yet most eventually come to realize that all those methods seek to address the same three factors for winning deals.



What is forcing the customer to act?



How can we address the customer’s motivation in a way that is declaratively better than our competition?



How can we leverage the customer’s influence network?

Coaching with Key Opportunity Reviews


The Key Opportunity Review is a process that enables two or more sellers to collaborate quickly and effectively in identifying and prioritizing the risk factors for a given deal. The primary output is an action plan that prioritizes the most critical tasks and clarifies responsibilities.

     Before the review the owner of the sales opportunity will complete a MoVIe plan for a targeted deal. Then during the review a manager or peer will examine the plan with the seller (or extended sales team). The individual or team that is playing the role of reviewer should be trained in how to manage the review. Training includes the use of coaching questions that help the selling team develop insight about risks and required actions.

     System Selling provides a Manager’s Coaching Guide as a reference for managers as they master the Key Opportunity Review. The guide provides scripted set-up suggestions along with common red flags and coaching questions for each section of the opportunity plan.

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